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Questionnaire and Results


male - green

female - purple

both genders - red

Explanation of Results

As you can see this genre from our results we have picked is gender neutral because we had result of 50% in both genders. This questionnaire has also defined our target market of a vast age range of 16-30-year-old. The purpose of this questionnaire was to get a better understanding of who our target audience will be and how we can attract them to our production and image of our alternative indie rock band. we separated the genera into alternative, indie and rock and asked our applicants whether they liked any of them genera on their own. Everyone we asked, listened to Indie music and rock music, although 44% of our recipients did not listen to alternative music and that 44% was female which shows we will be targeting a male audience more so then female. Although if we want to direct our target audience at both female and male we should emphasis our band more indie and rock when branding our image so we can attract to a wider audience as from research shows its where the bigger fan-base is. When we asked about who our audience like as existing artist we had a range of people/bands although they were mostly bands, like imagine dragons, The killers, Arctic monkey etc. making it clear to us that bands dominate the

alternative indie rock genre.

When we asked our applicants weather they actually watch music videos or if they are just interested in the music itself, we can see clearly that from our results that they were interested in watching their preferred genre music videos well as just listening to the music. It was also gender neutral on which target market preferred watching music videos.

We also asked the applicants on what platform they watch the music videos? "YouTube" was massively more popular platform for audiences then on the artist actual website. I believe this is because of the fan base that YouTube has and the layout YouTube has, where it can direct audience to watch certain videos applied on YouTube because of the suggestion bar they have. Also based on people’s accounts and what they have watched before helps YouTube to recognise what they are interested in which helps apply suggestions of similar videos in their faces so they would watch the videos. Whereas websites don't behold suggestions they just have their bands content on there. Audiences tend to use artist website for fan research or for tour dates and mechanised. Audiences had equal preference of type of music video, either performance, narrative and abstract. although Abstract was most popular by 10%. reasons for this is probably because Abstract keeps hold of our tension span a lot easier then an performance or narrative. Because normally abstract is something unusual that were not use to seeing. taking that into account we like to see the end and see where it ends up to. Abstraction unpredictable and people pay more attention to something that we don't know the ends to as we hate the unknowing. We then asked our applicants what liked about music videos to get a concept to what to include in our music video so we can meet our target audience preferences. We had a

few mixed responses however the vast majority response from both gender was the link to the song and to visualise the song and seeing the artist.

To get a basis of what age our target audience would be we asked if they were in education or not. The majority said "no" and 40% said "yes". Taking that into consideration we know that our Age group is fairly big and that Alternative indie rock bands target audiences from secondary school to young Young 40s as Alternative indie rock is a Sub-genre that originated from Rock and Indie music which was very popular music in the 80's as sub-cultures like hippies, Grunge, emo's, skin heads, punks etc. These Sub-genre were the asset of they lifestyle therefore this genre attracts the older generation well as the younger generation.

When we separated the genre and asked our applicants if they liked rock music and then asked if they liked Indie music, 100% liked both. If they liked Rock they are very likely to like Indie music as well due to the similarities they have in the music.

25% of our applicants smoke, smoking is considered as a trend in the Indie cultures, Smoking is seen as hipster and hippy like which are sub-cultures within the Indie genre. Smoking is also very common in the City like areas as the a city environment is quite stressful and people smoke to relieve some of that stress and from our primary studies that majority of our target audience lives in the city. I believe this is because of the urban and diversity of city culture has that alternative indie rock appeals to city people. Alternative music is a definition or the different and expressive in comparison to hip hop or any other genre. Alternative music also originated in the Underground where people were free to express themselves without being judged or hated. Which is another reason why I'm not surprised that we have a bigger percentage of audiences that live in the city that listen to Alternative indie rock music.

Overall our questionnaire has help us get a better understanding of what our target audience look at when want when it comes to the needs of an alternative indie rock band. The interests of the audience gives us an outline of the image our band members should have and the type of branding that they need to meet our target audience requirements. Therefore we have a more direct overview of what we need to include and think about when creating our music video, brand image, poster and digipak for our band.

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