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Call Sheet/Shooting Schedule

We only had one location shoot that required our actors to be on location hence the one call sheet. This call sheet is outlining our scheduled for the day. We made one of these so we were organised for shooting on the day and it gave us a time limit and structure towards filming.

Our other location was Manchester city roads, this is where I used the hand held camera to get these unrefined shots that were taken randomly due to traffic, time of day and weather therefore we could not predict time sequences for this filming. It was just me filming the roads, no actors were required for these shots which is another reason why we didn't have a shooting schedule as we didn't have to worry about actors or crew being on time or being in the right place because they were not needed .

Our actor who played the lead singer (Harry Apps) was in majority of shots however we had Amanda Ball and Eve McCormack at the shoot all day just encase we decided to do extra shots and it also made sure they were ready to go at all times. Therefore not consuming our value time by setting up over and over again. It was a lot more time manageable for everyone if all actors were at the shooting location at all times on the day.

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